Karolina Vidović Krišto nominirana za Global Leadership Award
Novinarka Karolina Vidović Krišto nominirana Howard Center/World Congress of Families za prestižnu nagradu Global Leadership Award na gala večeri, koja se treba održati pri ISF, Wellinngton College, Bershire, u Velikoj Britaniji, 29. ožujka 2013.
{jathumbnail off}Prema pisanja CII (Civic Inovation Incubator), riskirajući vlastiti položaj i posao na javnoj televiziji, novinarka Vidović-Krošto promicala je medijsku slobodu, javnu raspravu i obiteljske vrijednosti u Hrvatskoj.
Gospođa Vidovic Kristo je hrabra novinarka, koja je pokazala profesionalnu odgovornost, osiguracajući javnosti stvarnu informaciju o programima koje je Vlada htjela nametnuti bez javne rasprave…
Howard Center/World Congress of Families navodi i profesoricu Reisman: “Neizmjerna mi je časti stati uz hrabru novinarku, koja je u potpunosti zaslužila Global Leadership Award. Vlada može razvijati programe zdravstvenog i spolnog odgoja, ali ove politike i programi, prije njihove implementacije, moraju biti raspravljeni i potvrđeni od sveukupne stručne javnosti.”
Gdja Karolina Vidović Krišto je izjavila da, “Profesionalizam i iintegritet medija mora biti temeljen samo na istini, bez obzira kakva ona bila.”
CII – Toronto | benedikt.hr
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Press Release: Karolina Vidovic Kristo nominated for Global Leadership Award
Mrs. Karolina Vidovic Kristo, of Croatia, has been nominated, by the Howard Center / World Congress of Families, to receive the Global Leadership Award at a gala dinner following the International School of Fundraisingheld at Wellington College, Berkshire, Crowthorne, United Kingdom, on March 29, 2013. Risking her job at the national public media company she promoted media freedom, public debate and family values in Croatia. Mrs. Vidovic 4 Kristo is a courageous journalist, carrying out her professional responsibilities, ensuring that the public was informed of new government programs that the government wanted to mandate without public debate.
The Global Leadership Award is bestowed in recognition of outstanding achievements in the building of a new generation of activists and leaders worldwide for the principles of free enterprise, limited government, and traditional family and moral values. Nominees are selected by the Bow Group, Leadership Institute, World Congress of Families and Institut de Formation Politique.
Mrs. Vidovic Kristo, as an investigative journalist, in December 2012, produced a TV program that provided a factual counter-viewpoint to health and sex education policies being mandated by the Croatian government through what many see as an undemocratic process. As a result of the information she presented, the program that Mrs. Vidovic Kristo produced was taken off the air and she was suspended from her job. Following a public uproar she received global support not only from the Croatian community in Croatia and around the world but also from other journalists, pro-family values organizations, scientists and intellectuals. Notably, Professor Judith Reisman of Liberty University School of Law in Lynchburg Virginia came to Croatia in support of Mrs. Vidovic Kristo and the public debate. Professor Reisman says, “I was, and am wholly and completely, honored to stand with this courageous journalist and indeed she well-deserves a Global Leadership Award. Governments may develop health and sex education policies and programs but these policies and programs must then be examined and approved by the public before implementation.”
In the face of threats, aimed at her and her family, Mrs. Vidovic Kristo, with the support of Professor Judith Reisman, went on a tour of Croatia to promote an active debate of important social values and issues. Mrs. Vidovic Kristo says, “Media professionalism and integrity must be based on the truth and nothing but the truth – no matter what the truth is.”
For her courageous defense of media freedom and integrity Mrs. Vidovic Kristo deserves global recognition as a role model for other investigative journalists and activists, not only in developing democracies but also in all countries of the world where the most important aspects of media integrity and responsibilities are being forgotten.
“Freedom of the press, or, to be more precise, the benefit of freedom of the press, belongs to everyone – to the citizen as well as the publisher… The crux is not the publisher’s freedom to print’; it is, rather, the citizen’s ‘right to know. ”
– Arthur Sulzberger, 1990 -American newspaper publisher